Source: Vecna - Eve of Ruin

Wondrous Item, Artifact (Requires Attunement)

After betraying and nearly destroying the lich Vecna, the warrior Kas found himself trapped in the Shadowfell, imprisoned in a Domain of Dread called Tovag. There, he languished as a vampire.
In time, the Dark Powers of the Shadowfell lured Kas to a hidden forge, where he found the Crown of Lies. Once Kas vowed to deliver Vecna into the Dark Powers’ clutches and donned the crown, the Dark Powers released Kas. From there, Kas set out to ruin his former master. Should Kas fail, the Dark Powers will reclaim him.
The crown is made of burnished and entwined metal rods. To attune to it, you must place it on your head and speak a true desire of your heart. You know how to attune to the crown when you touch it.

Random Properties. The Crown of Lies has the following random properties (see the Dungeon Master’s Guide for options)
1 minor beneficial property
1 major beneficial property
1 minor detrimental property

Perfect Disguise. While attuned to the crown, you can use an action to transform yourself to look and feel like any creature you’ve seen at least once and whose size is no more than one size smaller or larger than yours.
The new form mimics the chosen creature’s appearance exactly, including its voice. Your size and speed are replaced by the chosen creature’s. You otherwise retain your own game statistics. While in this new form, the crown melds into your person and is undetectable.
Your new form lasts until you die, your attunement to the crown ends, or you use another action to transform into a different creature or your true form. Interactions with you while you are transformed by the crown reveal no illusory magic, nor do they reveal anything other than details about the creature you’re disguised as. You count as the chosen creature for the purposes of spells, traps, and other defenses that wouldn’t target the chosen creature.
While in your disguised form, any lies you tell always seem to be true, no matter what magical or mundane methods are used to try to detect your falsehoods. You are the recipient of Sending spells addressed to you and the creature you are disguised as, and Scrying and similar spells that target the creature you are disguised as actually target you. The only way to reveal your true nature while transformed by the crown is with a Wish spell.
While wearing this crown in your true form, you can choose for the crown to be visible if you wish.

Destroying the Crown. If a creature wearing the crown is killed by the creature it is disguised as, the crown disintegrates and is destroyed.