School of Transmutation Spells
The transmutation school of magic consisted of spells that changed the physical properties of some creature, thing, or condition. The school was previously known as alteration.
Spell Name | Casting Time | Range | Duration | Components |
Control Flames | 1 Action | 60 Feet | Instantaneous or 1 hour | S |
Druidcraft | 1 Action | 30 Feet | Instantaneous | V, S |
Gust | 1 Action | 30 feet | Instantaneous | V, S |
Magic Stone | 1 Bonus Action | Touch | 1 minute | V, S |
Mending | 1 Minute | Touch | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Message | 1 Action | 120 feet | 1 round | V, S, M |
Mold Earth | 1 Action | 30 feet | Instantaneous or 1 hour | S |
On/Off (UA) | 1 Action | 60 feet | Instantaneous | V, S |
Prestidigitation | 1 Action | 10 feet | Up to 1 hour | V, S |
Primal Savagery | 1 Action | Self | Instantaneous | S |
Shape Water | 1 Action | 30 feet | Instantaneous or 1 hour | S |
Shillelagh | 1 Bonus Action | Touch | 1 minute | V, S, M |
Thaumaturgy | 1 Action | 30 feet | Up to 1 minute | V |
Thorn Whip | 1 Action | 30 feet | Instantaneous | V, S, M |