Core Ranger Spell List
This ranger spell list does not include optional spells available from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything or spells from the Unearthed Arcana playtests. For the complete ranger list, see Ranger Spell List
Spell Name | School | Casting Time | Range | Duration | Components |
Absorb Elements | Abjuration | 1 Reaction | Self | 1 round | S |
Alarm | Abjuration | 1 Minute R | 30 feet | 8 Hours | V, S, M |
Animal Friendship | Enchantment | 1 Action | 30 feet | 24 hours | V, S, M |
Beast Bond | Divination | 1 Action | Touch | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V, S, M |
Cure Wounds | Evocation | 1 Action | Touch | Instantaneous | V, S |
Detect Magic | Divination | 1 Action R | Self | Concentration, up to 10 minutes | V, S |
Detect Poison and Disease | Divination | 1 Action R | Self | Concentration, up to 10 minutes | V, S, M |
Ensnaring Strike | Conjuration | 1 Bonus Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V |
Fog Cloud | Conjuration | 1 Action | 120 feet | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V, S |
Goodberry | Transmutation | 1 Action | Touch | Instantaneous | V, S, M |
Hail of Thorns | Conjuration | 1 Bonus Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V |
Hunter's Mark | Divination | 1 Bonus Action | 90 feet | Concentration, up to 1 hour | V |
Jump | Transmutation | 1 Action | Touch | 1 minute | V, S, M |
Longstrider | Transmutation | 1 Action | Touch | 1 hour | V, S, M |
Snare | Abjuration | 1 Minute | Touch | Until dispelled or triggered | V, S, M |
Speak with Animals | Divination | 1 Action R | Self | 10 minutes | V, S |
Zephyr Strike | Transmutation | 1 Bonus Action | Self | Concentration, up to 1 minute | V |
R - Ritual Spell