You have sworn fealty to a dragonmarked house. If you have a dragonmark, you're likely a member of one of the house's influential families; otherwise you're an outsider who hopes to make your fortune through the house. Your main task is to serve as the eyes of your house, but you could be called on at any time to act as its hand. Such missions can be perilous but lucrative.

Source: Eberron - Rising from the Last War

Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Persuasion
Tool Proficiencies: Two proficiencies from the House Tool Proficiencies table
Languages: None
Equipment: A set of fine clothesValue:15gp Weight:6lbs, the signet ringValue:5gp Weight:0 of your house, identification papers, and a purse containing 20gp

Your House House Tool Proficiencies
Cannith Alchemist's supplies and tinker's tools
Deneith One gaming set and vehicles (land)
Ghallanda Brewer's supplies and cook's utensils
Jorasco Alchemist's supplies and herbalism kit
Kundarak Thieves' tools and tinker's tools
Lyrandar Navigator's tools and vehicles (air and sea)
Medani Disguise kit and thieves' tools
Orien One gaming set and vehicles (land)
Phiarlan Disguise kit and one musical instrument
Sivis Calligrapher's tools and forgery kit
Tharashk One gaming set and thieves' tools
Thuranni One musical instrument and poisoner's kit
Vadalis Herbalism kit and vehicles (land)



You always gather information for your house, but when a baron gives you a specific mission, what sort of work do you do? The House Agent Role table gives possibilities.

d8 House Agent Role
1 Acquisition
2 Investigation
3 Research & Development
4 Security
5 Intimidation
6 Exploration
7 Negotiation
8 Covert Operations

House Connection

As an agent of your house, you can always get food and lodging for yourself and your friends at a house enclave. When the house assigns you a mission, it will usually provide you with the necessary supplies and transportation. Beyond this, you have many old friends, mentors, and rivals in your house, and you may encounter one of them when you interact with a house business. The degree to which such acquaintances are willing to help you depends on your current standing in your house.

Suggested Characteristics

House agents are diverse. Consider the house you serve and the work you do when choosing characteristics.

Personality Traits

d6 Personality Trait
1 I'm always looking to improve efficiency.
2 I love to share trivia about my house's business.
3 I never forget an insult against me or my house.
4 I'm enthusiastic about everything my house does.
5 I represent my house and take pride in my looks.
6 I'm critical of monarchies and limits on the houses.


d6 Ideal
1 Common Good. My house serves a vital function, and its prosperity will help everyone. (Good)
2 Tradition. I uphold traditions of my house and bring honor to my family. (Lawful)
3 Innovation. Abandon old traditions and find better ways to do things. (Chaotic)
4 Power. I want to ensure the prosperity of my house and wield its power myself. (Evil)
5 Discovery. I want to learn all I can, both for my house and for my own curiosity. (Any)
6 Comfort. I want to ensure that me and mine enjoy the best things in life. (Any)


d6 Bond
1 My house is my family. I would do anything for it.
2 I love someone from another house, but the relationship is forbidden.
3 Someone I love was killed by a rival faction within my house, and I will have revenge.
4 I don't care about the house as a whole, but I would do anything for my old mentor.
5 My house must evolve, and I'll lead the evolution.
6 I'm determined to impress the leaders of my house, and to become a leader myself.


d6 Flaw
1 I'm fixated on following official protocols.
2 I'm obsessed with conspiracy theories and worried about secret societies and hidden demons.
3 My house and blood line make me the best!
4 My secret could get me expelled from my house.
5 My religious beliefs aren't widespread in my house.
6 I'm working for a hidden faction in my house that gives me secret assignments.